When To Toss Your Makeup

Often a new cycle of something gives us the sense that it’s the perfect time for a fresh start, to tidy things up, get organized, and declutter.

I find that the start of the year is also a great time to check for expired products and see if it’s time to toss and replace our makeup for hygiene reasons. My workload tends to be a little lighter, my older one is off school, so there really shouldn’t be any excuses that should allow me to procrastinate further.

Here’s a little guide to help you decide what to keep and what to toss

Content Planning

Content planning is something that I’ve done for several years now and by prepping my content for the entire campaign at once, I find it help me stress less and keep my content organized.

One of the first things I do is look at social media holidays, or “hashtag holidays” Many of these are quirky or trendy holidays that as a business owner, you can jump on board to promote your business or brand…click to read more